In Singapore, to setup and running a business there is a need to obtain approval from the respective relevant Government Authorities before they can commence business operation. This is called Business Licencing.

There are 3 main groups of business licenses in Singapore,

  1. Compulsory Licenses – License need to be obtained before business can commence/operate. For example, Child care Centre, Hospital etc


  1. Occupational Licenses – Professional license from various professional organization such as dentists, lawyers, accountants etc


  1. Business Activity Based Licenses – Some business activities require specific licenses or permit to legally operate here. For example, selling liquor and medicine.

Noted that the time for acquiring the respective licenses may various from weeks to months as multiple authorities may require to assess the application. Some may even include the actual site and machine/tool assessment before they grant approval.

Singapore Accounting and Business Services offers fast and efficient services to assist corporate in their business licensing application to the respective authorities.

Our licensing services includes,

  • Applying for new licences
    • Updating of information for existing licences
    • Renewal of licences
    • Terminating existing licences